全ての作品における著作権は舩越富貴に帰属します。無断使用・転載・複製・販売 その他類似行為を固く禁じます。
(C)fuki funakoshi All rights reserved. Using without a permission, publication or printing, reprinting or sales of the art are all prohibited by the law.


Havana(CUBA) /Cafe La Vida

Web bunner / Morena

Web bunner / Morena

Web bunner / Morena

Web bunner / Morena

Web bunner / Morena

Web bunner / Morena

Web bunner / Morena

CD Jacket(Lanca Perfume/Maria Mole)

CD Jacket(Lanca Perfume/Maria Mole)

Web bunner / 7net shopping

New year card / Design Exchange

Shop Card / Morena(Brazilian wax salon)

Promotion Goods(Office George)

Promotion Goods(Office George)

Book cover(Kanzo Funakoshi)

Book Illustration (Kanzo Funakoshi)

Embroidery art design(Totsuka Embroidery)

Embroidery art design(Totsuka Embroidery)

Embroidery art design(Totsuka Embroidery)




Travel book BRAZIL(JTB Publishing)

Travel book BRAZIL(JTB Publishing)

Travel book BRAZIL(JTB Publishing)

Travel book BRAZIL(JTB Publishing)

CD cover (B-sun Records)

CD cover (B-sun Records)

Flyer (Bem Brazil)

Web design(IPC World)

Promotion goods(IPC World)

Web design (IPC World)

Web design (IPC World)

Web design (IPC World)

Web design (IPC World)

Web design (IPC World)

AD (IPC World)

AD (IPC World)

AD (IPC World)

AD (IPC World)

AD (IPC World)

AD (IPC World)

AD (IPC World)

CD cover(Asakusa Samba Carnival)

CD cover(Asakusa Samba Carnival)

CD cover(Asakusa Samba Carnival)

CD cover(Asakusa Samba Carnival)

Team Uniform(G.R.E.S. ALEGRIA)

Team Uniform(G.R.E.S. ALEGRIA)

Team Uniform(G.R.E.S. ALEGRIA)

Team Uniform(G.R.E.S. ALEGRIA)

Mural Paint design(tropical NY)

Mural Paint(tropical NY)

Mural Paint(tropical NY)

Mural Paint(tropical NY)

Embroidery design(Totsuka embroidery)

Magazin Illustarion (Kodansha)

Book Illustarion (Jikei Gakuen)

Magazin Illustration (Career design center)

Magazin Illustarion (Kodansha)